Assessment Organizations
- AACU's
Value Rubrics are invaluable assessment tools and cover a wide range of common
competencies, from written communication to critical thinking.
- The
AALHE is one of the premier national associations for assessment professionals
and professional development in the country. Their annual conference is well
worth the time.
- The
Chronicle of Higher Education
is must-read stuff for best practices, national debates, and regulatory shifts, all
of which often affect assessment professionals.
EAB is a best practices firm to which WVU belongs. It provides a lot of research,
data, and information from partner institutions.
- HLC's
Criteria for Accreditation should be something every assessment professional
knows chapter and verse. Their annual conference is still my preferred form of
professional development.
Inside Higher Ed also has strong articles from time to time relating to assessment.
Linda Suskie's blog is a great place for anyone who deals with assessment
to ask questions, get advice, and participate in the national discourse around
assessment of learning.
- Lumina Foundation's
Degree Qualifications Profile is a learning-centered framework that can guide
institutional assessment and curriculum practices.
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) provides a wealth
of research and resources on assessment, not the least of which is their regular
survey of chief academic officers regarding assessment. Their
Transparency Framework is a tremendous tool for institutional assessment
Featured Website page is worth a separate mention as it highlights a number
of assessment websites from around the country in several different categories.
POD (Professional and Organizational Development) Network has a number of
resources that assessment professionals would benefit from.
- The
Virginia Assessment Group maintains a website that serves all of the state's
colleges and universities by providing resources, information, communication,
and annual events.
Institutional Assessment Websites
- Cornell University has
terrific resource from its Institutional Research and Planning office that
guides faculty on how and when to
survey students.
James Madison University has a great site that features professional development
in assessment.
- Jon Mueller at
North Central College
has a good resource for creating authentic course assessments that then align with
program learning outcomes and assessment goals.
- Purdue's
Data Digest is an amazing example of forward facing institutional data that
could be used for any number of assessment and evaluative purposes.
- The
University of Florida has an incredible series of videos and supporting modules
that introduce assessment topics from the basics to more advanced practices.
- University of Hawaii at Manoa's
Assessment Office's website is one of my personal favorites for a diverse
range of resources.
- The
University of Maryland
does great work on the assessment of assignments, courses, and programs through its
gen ed program and Office of Undergraduate Studies.
- University of Washington's
Center for Teaching and Learning does amazing work on the evaluation of teaching
including self-assessment, peer evaluation, and student evaluations. Assessment
of learning features prominently in the self-assessment process.
- The University of Wisconsin-Madison does an incredible wide range of assessment-related
stuff on their
Student Learning Assessment website.
Assessment and Academic Evaluation
- Assessing Student Learning, Linda Suskie
Assessment Clear and Simple, Barbara Walvoord
- Prioritizing Academic Programs and Services: Reallocating Resources to Achieve
Strategic Balance, Robert Dickeson
- Research Design, John and J. David Creswell
Using Evidence of Student Learning, George Kuh et al
Teaching and Learning
- Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning, Peter Brown
- Small Teaching, James Lang
- Teaching Naked, Jose Antonio Bowen
- Why Don't Students Like School?, Daniel Willingham
Nature Neuroscience, and
Science keep me up-to-date with all the hard science underlying the learning