Priority 6
Expand online academic offerings
To remain relevant in today’s competitive higher education landscape, WVU must continue to expand its online academic offerings, including degree and non-degree programs that appeal to non-traditional audiences (e.g., adult learners and veterans).
Results to Date
- Hired Kennedy Group to conduct review of online program offerings to identify growth opportunities and new audiences and to assess organizational structure to support online program growth.
- Completed software demonstrations for non-credit and professional development programs.
- Launched partnership with Coursera for the online Software Engineering graduate program to increase enrollments.
- Hosted demonstration of and feedback session for alternative student information and online learning management system with campus stakeholders.
Next Steps
- Identify and prioritize investments in WVU Online infrastructure.
- Review program opportunities at the associate’s, bachelor’s and certificate levels to meet regional employer demands and invest in high-priority programs.
- Identify program opportunities for targeted non-traditional audiences (e.g., veterans, alumni, military).
- Continue efforts to expand compressed course offerings (e.g., Maymester and Winter Intersession) and consider other parts-of-term course offerings.
- Investigate potential partnerships with online program management providers (OPMs).
- Collaborate with WVU Corporate Relations to identify regional employers to assess upskilling and reskilling needs.