As students, faculty and staff return to campus this month, the University’s ability to work with local health departments to support contact tracing in the event of a COVID-19 incident (e.g., a positive test) in face-to-face classes is essential. If a student in a particular course or courses tests positive, University officials must be able to quickly identify students and instructors who have been potentially exposed in those classroom settings and initiate further action.
To support this important effort, on-campus course instructors on all WVU campuses will be required to do two things:
1. Use assigned seating in each class.
2. Take attendance and maintain assigned seating daily, whether attendance figures into course grading or not.
Details for these processes are now available on the COVID-19 Assigned Seating and Attendance Tracking page of the website.
Every face-to-face class session on the WVU Morgantown main and Potomac State College campuses, irrespective of enrollment numbers, must follow the procedures outlined on the website. WVU Tech and Health Sciences campuses will follow their own established procedures for seating charts, but the requirements for taking attendance and ensuring compliance with the seating charts apply to all campuses.
Please visit the Adjustments for COVID-19 section of the website for details about assigned seating, attendance tracking and more.