Priority 1: Past Timeline
February-March 2021
- First-level data is collected to determine “health” of each program - Gold Standard Measures
- Headcount percentage growth in majors
- Headcount in majors
- Student credit hour generation
- Percentage of first-time students
- Retention rate
- Degrees earned
- Degrees conferred
- Academic Advisory Committee/Deans review and provide feedback on measures and process
April 2021
- First-level data is reviewed internally by Provost’s Office
- Gap analysis is underway to identify programs (both new and existing) that address market opportunities. Data collected to reflect:
- Student interests
- Employer needs
- Competitive academic landscape
- First list of programs for future action and further review is created (create, grow, sunset, reduce)
- Second-level data gathering begins - Deeper Dive Measures
- Cost analysis
- Labor force needs
- Retention by group category (e.g., first-generation student, under-represented minority students)
- Accreditation implications
- Faculty productivity
- Growth capacity
- Contribution to land-grant mission (program level)
May 2021
- Dean/chair/leader is notified of any programs identified for future action and further review (create, grow, sunset, reduce)
- Dean/chair/leader begins to develop a Program Review Report for any program identified for reduction or sunsetting – deadline is September 1
- Discussions underway with dean/chair/leader to address gap analysis results and gain a better understanding of enrollment and revenue potential
- Academic Advisory Committee and Deans Group review and provide feedback on gap analysis
June 2021
Provost presents at the June 25 Board of Governors meeting:
- Academic Transformation Program Review process and timeline update
- Regular five-year BOG Program Review recommendations
- Overview of all programs discontinued through past processes
- Gap analysis and programs identified to grow or create
- Academic mergers and restructuring recommendations
- Instructional efficiencies
- Results of advising audit
- Faculty rewards and recognition update and implementation timeline
- Student success initiatives and implementation timeline
- Non-terminal master’s and PhD program review process update
July-August 2021
- Work continues on Program Review Reports and gap analysis discussions and implementation planning
Fall 2021-Spring 2022
- Programs of concern
- September 1: Program Review Reports are due to Provost’s Office.
- September 27: Provost’s Office completes review of Program Review Reports and notifies deans of the preliminary recommendation to the Board of Governors.
- October 4: Deadline for units to initiate appeals process.
- October 11-12: If appeals have been initiated, appeal hearings will be held during this time frame.
- October 14: Deadline for the Appeals Committee to notify deans of its decision(s).
- October 29: Provost presents recommendations to the Board of Governors.
- Board of Governors votes on list of program recommendations for action.
- Programs of opportunity
- Assess plans to realize growth with respect to viability, needed investment, and prioritization for programs of opportunity in the current portfolio.
- Identify opportunities to create academic programming for non-traditional students, such as graduate certificates, badges, continuing education, etc., among programs of opportunity in the current portfolio.
- Form task force to capture inventory of programs and assess current status; discuss infrastructure needs to support units; assess new and growth opportunities and conduct benchmarking of other schools’ use of third-party vendors and evaluate as a (temporary) means for increased delivery of non-traditional programming.
- Host Academic Innovation Summit to identify new potential programs building on current strengths.
- Work with colleges to review new program opportunities with respect to viability, needed investment, and prioritization.
- Ongoing program review for bachelor’s programs and terminal and non-professional master’s degree programs
- Launch the annual program review process.
- Conduct training for APS in September.
- Run reporting process through November.
- Additional programs of concern will be reviewed by the Provost Office team in January.
- Conduct Program Portfolio Review process for all non-terminal master’s and PhD programs.
- Assess distribution of graduate assistant funding/tuition waivers to ensure alignment with University’s R1 mission and focus on research productivity and areas of excellence.
- Revise the guidelines and policy for how graduate student waivers are used across different kinds of graduate programs.
- Online program portfolio review
- Conduct review of online program offerings to identify growth opportunities.
- Assess organizational structure to improve reach and engagement with current and new audiences.