Featurettes Headline
Paul Kreider
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
206 Stewart Hall (Morgantown)
Kimberly Becker
Director of Communications
206 Stewart Hall (Morgantown)
Amber Brugnoli
Associate Vice President and Executive Director of the Office of Global Affairs
201 Purinton House (Morgantown)
Lisa Castellino-Gergich
Associate Vice President, Institutional Data and Analytics
303D Stewart Hall (Morgantown)
Kristen Cosner
Director of Communications, Academic Support and Services
B31 Stewart Hall (Morgantown)
Amanda DeBastiani
Assistant Vice President for Academic Planning and Implementation
208 Stewart Hall (Morgantown)
Mark Gavin
Vice Provost
206 Stewart Hall (Morgantown)
Stacey Kearns
Program Coordinator
Remote Office
Melissa Latimer
Associate Provost for Faculty Development and Culture
210 Stewart Hall (Morgantown)
Chad Mezera
Assistant Provost for WVU Online
201 Stewart Hall (Morgantown)
Tracy Morris
Associate Provost for Academic Personnel
210 Stewart Hall (Morgantown)
Louis Slimak
Associate Provost for Curriculum and Assessment
201 Stewart Hall (Morgantown)
Grant Smith
Director of Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
301 Stewart Hall (Morgantown)
Chris Staples
Executive Director of Academic Personnel
206 Stewart Hall (Morgantown)
Richard Thomas
Associate Provost for Graduate Academic Affairs
249 Mountainlair (Morgantown)
Evan Widders
Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education
201 Stewart Hall (Morgantown)