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Probation and Suspension

Academic Notice, Academic Probation, Suspension and Suspension Appeals

A student with an overall grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 will be placed on academic notice or academic probation and may be subject to suspension. Read the entire policy on WVU's catalog website. Any current student on academic notice or probation can raise their overall GPA to avoid academic suspension.

Academic Notice

At the end of any regular term (Fall and Spring), any student with an overall grade point average (GPA) below a 2.0 for the first time will be on academic notice. Every student placed on academic notice must enter into a contract with their college, school or branch campus (i.e., Potomac State College, WVU Institute of Technology). Once the student completes their contract, they must fulfill all conditions of the agreement. If the student falls below an overall GPA of 2.0 for the second time and beyond during any regular term, the student will be on Probation.

Academic Probation

Every student placed on academic probation must enter into a contract with their college, school or branch campus (i.e., Potomac State College, WVU Institute of Technology). Once the student completes their contract, they must fulfill all conditions of the agreement. If the student fulfills the terms of the contract and is suspended after the regular term, they can take part in the academic suspension appeal process outlined below.

Academic Suspension

Students who have had an overall GPA below 2.0 for three regular terms (consecutive or not) after initial admission are placed on suspension.Suspended students should refer to the University’s official suspension guide.

A student placed on academic suspension may choose to do any of the following:

  1. Serve the Term of Suspension - The duration of the suspension is based on the number of previous suspensions (served or unserved). The first suspension is for one calendar year. The second suspension is for one calendar year. The third suspension is for three calendar years. If a student receives financial aid, serving the term of suspension does not guarantee reinstatement of financial aid upon return. The student will need to submit a financial aid appeal at the conclusion of their suspension period if they wish to receive financial aid. Specific guidance on financial aid is provided on the Student Financial Services website.
  2. Take Summer or Winter Courses to Raise the GPA and Avoid Suspension - A student may register for courses at any WVU campus in the Summer term immediately following a spring suspension or the Winter intersession immediately following a fall suspension to improve their overall GPA. If a student improves their overall GPA to a 2.0 or higher, they can continue with their studies in the next regular term. However, the suspension still counts as a prior suspension. If a student’s overall GPA is below 2.0 after the Summer term or Winter intersession, they will be removed from all registered courses for the next regular term and must serve the suspension.
  3. Appeal Academic Suspension - A student may appeal their academic suspension by applying for contractual readmission program (CRP) in December or May (exact date specified in the emailed notice of suspension). To appeal, a student must complete an online application no later than the date specified in their notice of suspension. Refer to the CRP Application (available April 28 - May 30, 2025) to complete and submit the appeal. Questions may be directed to A student should appeal if either of the two situations exist:
  • The student’s academic progress has improved in the most recent term(s), and they can improve their overall GPA to 2.0 or higher by the end of the next regular term.
  • The student experienced a traumatic event that prevented them from reaching an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher for the academic semesters under review. Supporting (third-party) documentation must be included with the appeal.

The CRP Application may not save mid-progress, so students are encouraged to complete the form in its entirety.

One of two decisions can be made by the student’s college, school or campus:

  • The appeal is granted, and the student is reinstated for the next regular term under contractual readmission. The student enters into contract with their respective college or school. The contract specifies the terms/expectations that must be met in order for the student to return to good academic standing.
  • The appeal is denied and the student serves the academic suspension.

Applying for Readmission

A suspended student who wishes to be readmitted into the university after their required suspension period must contact their campus's Office of Admissions. A studen tmay or may not be readmitted to their previous major at the discretionof their academic program. A student who is dismissed from their program or who wishes to change their major may transfer to another program if they meet the requirements and are accepted.

A reinstated student whose overall GPA is below 2.0 enters into a contract with their college or school. The contract specifies the terms/expectationsthat must be met in order to avoid suspension in future terms.Astudent who completes baccalaureate-level coursework at another institution during the suspension may transfer the coursework to WVU with certain restrictions. A student who completes course work while on academic suspension must maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 at the transferring institutions in order to be eligible for readmission to WVU. If the student is eligible for readmission, the coursework taken in transient while on suspension is posted as “NOEQ” (no equivalent) and grades are posted as “CR” (credit received) until the student’s overall WVU GPA is 2.0 or higher. Once the overall WVU GPA is 2.0 or higher, the college/school can process a transient application retroactively to determine course equivalencies and change the CR grades to letter grades. A maximum of 18 hours of transient coursework may be rearticulated from NOEQ 1NT to equivalent WVU courses.

In order to return to WVU after serving a suspension, a student may need to complete and submit the undergraduate application. A student will need to select Readmit for student type when starting a new application.

Additional Resources

  • Visit the list of frequently asked questions about academic probation and suspension. If the answer to a specific question is not available here, a student should contact their academic adviser.
  • Students can review a few examples of students who transitioned from good academic standing to academic probation and academic suspension. These examples explain how the new academic probation and suspension policy works.
  • Students can review academic standing codes on this website. A student’s academic standing is posted in DegreeWorks under the Worksheet header column. The code designates whether a student is in good academic standing, on academic notice, on academic probation or on academic suspension. Academic standing is updated at the end of each regular term.
  • Questions about suspension and the contractual readmission process can be directed to