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Priority 5

Priority 5

Enhance opportunities for faculty rewards and recognition

WVU must incentivize faculty to be engaged, productive and collaborative and to contribute to the University’s mission.

To remain a competitive institution that attracts a range of students, we must consider how we incentivize our faculty to be engaged and collaborative and to contribute to the University's mission by appropriately and consistently rewarding them for their achievements in the classroom and beyond.

The Provost's Office has and will continue to engage with members of the  Faculty Rewards and Recognition Committee to review data and policy content, analyze peer institution information, and gather and consider feedback.

By examining our current processes and identifying new areas of need and of opportunity, we will improve our current system and reward faculty for their excellence and impact.

Results to Date

  • Established University faculty workload guidelines with feedback from key stakeholders.
  • Reviewing and approving college-specific workload guidelines.
  • Worked with the Teaching Assessment Committee to design and propose a new University instrument for early and final student feedback on instruction to replace the current electronic student evaluation instrument.
  • Drafted revision of promotion and tenure document; gathered and incorporated from key stakeholders; and clarified parameters and processes for faculty member reviews, performance improvement plans and non-continuation of appointment.
  • Conducted series of “town hall” discussions regarding proposed changes to the University’s promotion and tenure document; gathered and incorporated feedback; and prepared for Faculty Senate vote on revised document.
  • Presented final proposed draft of the University’s promotion and tenure document for Faculty Senate vote. University Assembly vote occurred on January 18, 2023.
  • Offered workshops for academic leaders to assist in the development of faculty workload guidelines.
  • Launched first pilot of alternative student evaluation of learning instrument.

Next Steps

  • Partner with colleges and units to finalize college- and department-level faculty workload guidelines to ensure equity, consistency and accountability in determining work assignments.
  • Continue to pilot of alternative student evaluation of instruction instrument.
  • Launch new "Chairs Academy" series of professional development workshops.

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